Thursday, October 20, 2011


It's been a minute!! But I'm still hanging in there strong and standing my ground.  Things have just been HECTIC personally, with school, work, kids, etc.  Now that I'm done with school for a moment, I have a lot of free time to focus back on this abstinence revolution!  I hope that many of you have not lost heart :)

It hasn't been easy but I won't have long before the exchange of nuptials! :) However I will still until God tells me to shut up preach abstinence!  I've been working on my book recently and am more excited than ever to get back into it and publish it.  I've had some setbacks with some changes I wanted to make but God's will shall be done regardless and so I'm just taking some different directions.  Looking into rallies and things of that nature.  Help me out if you have any information on how to spread this thing city wide.  I just stopped in to speak...I'm long overdue for the blog on marriage so maybe I'll have a chance to write that this weekend.  Y'all be good and until next time....


Monday, September 5, 2011



This blog is long overdue and although I no longer am dealing with this I'm still going to share it.  I purposed in my heart to be transparent in this blog and to let yall see the good and bad.  Last week was part of the bad.  I went through a slump of discouragement. 

As you know, I challenged you all to a 40 day SEX FAST...I didn't get many hits although I'm grateful for the one that is participating but mostly I just had a lot of people reading the blog.  For one, I'm not doing this for attention or to be "popular" it's just that I really felt like people are ashamed to DO RIGHT.  There is nothing wrong with abstaining from sex until you're married.  There is nothing wrong with seeing if the Word truly works.  But we're in a society where doing the right thing is not acceptable.  And so I begin to feel discouraged because I couldn't figure out how so many people can talk about having sex all day long and NOT BE ASHAMED....and yet those that actually stand for righteousness seem to be ASHAMED. 

Maybe that's why the Lord is using me; I'm not ashamed.  And I'm not ashamed to stand alone, lonely it may be.  But I will admit, I was challenged.  I cried out to God wondering why I had to be the one to be used to bring attention to this?  Everybody else practicing this lifestyle is low key with it.  Yet.....My book is about sex and abstinence, my organization is about sex and abstinence, mostly everything I say on Twitter & FB is related to sex and abstinence....WHY ME!?  Why do I have to care so much about the sexual sins of this city, of this nation.  I mean, everybody else that practices abstinence is pretty much on the "down low" with it.  No offense to those but as Christians our lives should be a testimony to others.  How can you light a candle and put it under a bed?  I almost feel like people are really ashamed to look unpopular or fear social rejection.

I've never really been the type to be concerned about what people thought of me.  When I was sexually active, I was reserved just because I don't feel like everyone should know what I do in the bedroom; but not because I was ashamed.  Whether I was doing right or doing wrong...I was doing me.  So whatever to the opinions of others.  So I really didn't care what people thought.  But the last few days I just felt more and more discouraged and alone.  And then it burned me up that I had a comment to say, "...if she don't give it to me someone else will."  I mean THAT is the society that we live in and yet we as WOMEN don't realize our worth and to VALUE ourselves enough to say, "You don't deserve me."  And us that know better aren't doing a dang on thing to help these women and pull the blinds off of their eyes.  No men are stepping up to say that a REAL man would wait.  But everybodys so "real" these days....yeah?!

It burnt me up because I know that fear all to well.  I feared losing my fiance because of this but instead he went from boyfriend to fiance within 3 months of this decision.  And the date has been set!  If a man really loves you, he will wait and respect your decision.  But it's that senselessness and NOBODY is helping anyone out!!! Christians shouldn't be selfish with things like this!  I got a text at 3am this morning from an old student telling me how my blog impacted her life.  THAT IS WHY I DO THIS.  CHRISTIANS--PEOPLE need to see your LIGHT! 

So, yes, I felt alone; I felt discouraged.  And I prayed...and I cried.  I thought no one was paying attention to these blogs but the number of hits go up everyday.  I just pray that the boldness comes to walk in integrity and purity and KNOW that although it's not the POPULAR choice, there are rewards to being obedient.

I listened to Mary Mary's song, "Sitting With Me" on repeat Saturday morning.  And it really helped me alot!  I challenge you to take a listen. 

So anyway, this is me, "Ms. Unpopular...never asked to be part of the in crowd.".....

Here's a quote from my devotional...something to think about:
‎"Our witness for Christ should be public, not hidden. We should not keep the benefits for ourselves alone but pass them on to others."

#teamABSTINENCE...........LET'S GO!!!!

Available for contact -

Saturday, September 3, 2011


1. God called me to this lifestyle.  For months and months He kept speaking to my heart until it really got unbearable.  I could not ignore it.  I made my final decision at the end of May.  God spoke two things to me **1. He (the guy I was dating) can't be first  to the point where I am disobedient to His voice
**2. I don't have to dishonor my body to receive him because he (my husband) is already given to me

2. I have received revelation on how precious I am to God and how precious my body is.  We are to honor our bodies, realizing that our bodies were bought with a price.

3. Everybody you sleep with becomes your spiritual husband, thus entangling you in soul ties.  This is the reason for all the domestic situations we see going on.  I have found I've been MUCH stronger in dealing with certain things.  Situations where I would have cried all night and acted ignorant over, although hurt, I didn't let it lose my focus as if I would if we were sleeping together.  I only want to be tied to my husband; then and only then will that man be worth my tears.

4. The consequences of sexual sin: there are so many to name.  And it doesn't just stop at STDs; what about emotional damage?  Even when you use "protection" you are not protected.  And things are becoming now where even STDs are becoming drug resistant!  So what does that tell you?  Not to mention children born out of wedlock...I've been through ALL of this and quite frankly...I'm just sick and tired.  If we keep doing the same things, how do we expect change to come?

5.  I have so much PEACE!!!!! You can NEVER imagine until you surrender the PEACE.  Even typing this right now, any other time, I would be angry and responding in flesh.  But I'm not because the peace of God
"which passes all understanding" will keep you.  The peace is really enough!!!

6. I'm so much more focused on the things that will ultimately matter; my children, my career, my relationship with God.  I can hear from God way more clear.

7. The BLESSINGS of obedience!!! I have recieved blessings, upon blessings, upon blessings....just overflow! It's not that God is not answering your prayers, it's that your disobedience closes the door to those prayers.  God told me that He was getting ready to release every blessing I'd been waiting on NOW that there was a door to bless me through.  Sin & disobedience blocks the blessings of God from getting to us.

There are more...more I'll let these 7 sink in for now

Peace Out

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Wellllll................................. :)

I thought of a great idea today and want to dare each of you to a 40 DAY SEX FAST!!!!


40 PURE DAYS of taking control of your flesh and TRYING the Word for yourself!!!  My testimony alone is not enough to convince you but I do hope that it encourages you.  When I talked about the blessings poured out on my life on the previous blogs, I literally left out at least about the very least!!!

And all of that began within weeks of my decision to obey the call of purity from God.  I'm not saying it's easy but I encourage you to purpose in your heart to make this journey.  If you see no change within those 40 days...ok, fine!

But know that you're not in this alone and that the WORD works; there are REWARDS for obedience!  Meditiate on Psalm 112 and spend some time with God during these 40 days.  SHARE YOUR JOURNEY!!! YOU'RE NOT ALONE!  The sole purpose of me creating this blog was NOT to let y'all all up in my business!!!! It was to encourage myself for one but to encourage others, to be the light that some of y'all are needing.  I KNOW that many of you are LONGING for change because guess what...GOD has heard your heart's cry!  He has heard the cries of your heart throughout this city and HE is calling people to rise up and to fulfill this mission to help you!

So what are you waiting on?!  September is approaching fast!  Let's go 40 DAYS from SEPTEMBER 1ST! I'll pray for you, and you'll pray for me!

Some of you have guys and girlfriends that may totally be against it.  I pray that God gives you the revelation He gave me.  My obedience lined up my household, but that was our destiny.  May this will shed light on that relationship that you are in and where that person's heart is for you.

Some of you devalue your body for finances...just WATCH GOD WORK!  Let HIM show you that HE IS YOUR PROVIDER!!! Some of you are just addicted to sex, that's a stronghold.  Let God break it these 40 days!

Just let God show you HIM and HIS power throughout these 40 days and I can guarantee you that you will never be the same.  Feel free to comment or even email me!  I'm here for support! :)

#teamABSTINENCE...........................LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011




It's been 3 months since I have answered the call to purity!  Within these months, God has BLOWN MY MIND!! He has done ABOVE ALL that I could ever ask or imagine!  To testify to all the blessings He's pouring down on my family would take a whole other blog!! Within these months, God wrote a book through me, began an organization through me and I believe because of my obedience He has answered my heart's desires! I have a new job, above what I could have ever imagined and I'll be married within the next month and a half!  :-D  ONCE AGAIN...OBEDIENCE PAYS!!!!

But that's not why I'm writing.  When I began looking into this lifestyle and being obedient to ways to promote it throughout the Delta, the results were shockingly sad.  I was looking forward to seeing all the great rewards of Abstinence programs, instead I found such things that actually were trying to prove that Abstinence programs did not work. I was devastated!

I couldn't believe it and felt severly defeated.  However, as I have lived this lifestyle for the last few months and allowed God to purify my heart, thoughts, and motives He began to show me the problem.  It's kind of like having faith in God.  If you don't have faith in God, then ultimately you won't see His glory show in your life.  It's when you trust Him as your God and trust Him to reward you (Heb 11:6) that He can move...BECAUSE OF YOUR FAITH!

Many people are trying to promote abstinence on the wrong foundation, and that's the reason that it's not working.  It's just like the revelation that God gave me on marriage: Marriage is a thing ordained by GOD so in order for it to work as it should, you have to seek GOD!  Abstinence is the same way; you can't live a pure lifestyle without the biblical foundation of purity and honoring your temple.  You may think you're doing it in your "own strength" and you will fail.  Will power is not enough to carry out such things as marriage and abstinence; they are things ordained by God and must work through the power of God.

So, NO, abstinence programs DO NOT work when you are trying to leave God out!!!  People have to have more than statistics to become abstinent.  They have to have a revelation from the Holy Ghost and the Bible says that no man can come to Jesus unless He is drawn by way of the Holy Spirit.  In the same way, no man can walk in such a powerful spiritual nature without seeking God.  It's through His power that he heals and restores marriages and it's through HIS power that HE keeps you pure!

I can honestly say that, yes, of course I think about sex.  But when I think about it, I think of it in the context of marriage and that excites me!  I have something to look forward to without feeling cheap, violated, and used.  It takes GOD to RENEW your mind about such things as abstinence and purity.  The problem is we want to leave God out when we take the message of abstinence to the streets.  But there are no gray areas with God, it either is or it isn't.  That's just as India Arie said, "Ain't no substitute for the TRUTH, either it IS or it ISN'T." 

I write today to say YES, ABSTINENCE PROGRAMS DO WORK because my abstinence lifestyle is paying off for me!  And since God is not a respect of persons, that means, if He's doing it for me, He'll do it for you!!!!

#teamABSTINENCE....LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Psalm 119:9

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Last week I wrote about the glory of the Lord.  One thing about when you recieve victory in an area of your life, the devil will try to wreck havoc in another area.  And he did just that...and I'm not gone lie, he hit me where it hurt!  So the last few days I've been praying and crying out to God. 

He told me, "Remember the promises."

My cries became feverent prayers in the Holy Ghost over the people and situations the devil has tried to gain control over.  And I can honestly sit here and write that ALL IS WELL.  I don't "feel" like it's all well but God has told me, "Remember the promises."  He has assured me that HE hears EVERY PRAYER, he sees EVERY TEAR, and that the ANSWER is ON THE WAY!

I claim deliverance and the devil's hands to be OFF of this!!!

I knew that when I started this journey I should expect some things to go a little haywild.  And yes, they did.  Excuse my 'french' but "THE DEVIL BE DAMNED!"  My joy is mine to stay!  My promises are MINE to have.  You've got to get BOLD when the devil brings stuff into your life.  NO it's NOT God that brings bad stuff into your life.  It's either the devil or consequences of your disobedience.  When you are assured that you are in right standing and doing all you know to do, then you can boldy tell the devil to step up off of what God has give you.

I won't back down...I'm too far in to give up!  No devil in hell can have what's mine!!!


Stay tuned because it's ON now....I'm just motivated to snatch more people out of hell and out of the sexual sins they're in!  I'm more motivated to trevail and pray for those entangled in their lifestyles.  I'm simply MORE MOTIVATED  to get this word out.....SAVE OUR PURITY!!! SAVE OUR MARRIAGES!!!!

#teamABSTINENCE....LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


It's really been TOOO long since my last blog but GOD has been SHOWING OUT!!!! I've been working! I was blessed with a job like 2 days after I received an AWESOME prophetic Word!  The prophetic word came the day after the decision to remarry!!!

I mean! It's really been just awesome! The rewards of obedience are awesome!  If only we realized that God is not asking you to give up certain things to keep things from you, in fact, He's trying to get them to you.  God told me that He was getting ready to release all of those blessings that I had been waiting on.  He said that He was just looking for a way in and when I decided to line my will up with His will and obey...that opened the door to release the blessings He'd been waiting to pour out! 

He confirmed this Word the very next morning during service and then two days later I got called for a position that the woman just gave up.  It blew their minds that she just quit!  But bless her heart and she already has another position...LOOK AT THE FAVOR OF GOD!  He didn't just stop there, I absolutely love my new job!!!  It's above all that I could ever ask or imagine!  And that's how God works! And no one can recieve the glory except for him.  And the fact that my marriage will be fully restored in like probably less than two months...... YOU JUST HAVE NO IDEA!!!!

I'm ready to get back on my social networks but I just don't think it's time.  My spirit has been so sensitive to the voice of the Lord without the distractions of television and social networks and I'm loving it.  I mean I hear Him speaking so clear.  Like LITTLE things.  For instance, I was passing by the bank and I heard God say, "Go to the ATM."  I knew it was Him, but when I saw all of the cars at the ATM I was like, "nah, that's ok."  I didn't need the money then anyway, I didn't think.  Then I get a text; someone wants to borrow some money.  Guess what, I had to go back to the ATM.   SMH! If only....!!!  This is only an example of how clearly I've been hearing Him speak by sacraficing and staying in His presence.

Another example...the person borrowing the money?  I'll be honest with yall, cause I was honest with God, I didn't want to give it to her.  I mean, we're not like friends and I just felt used.  And I told God, I don't mind giving, but I hate feeling used.  I struggled so long with giving it to her because I'm knowing I'm not going to get it back and although I'm working, I hadn't recieved my first paycheck.  I felt like I needed to keep it but the fact that God had just told me to go to the ATM stuck out like a sore thumb and I felt like it was a test.  So anyway, I obeyed and kept it real with God.  I told Him that giving was not the problem but to deal with the feelings of being used.  He spoke and said, "I'm gone bless you."  Before the end of the week God had blessed me with a total of $140; and I only let her borrow $20.

You just can't tell me what God isn't capable of!  The position that I have, I wasn't suppose to have it until October.  FAVOR!! And it doesn't stop there but that's my husband's testimony so I won't go into that.  Just know that as the Bible says that when a man finds a wife he finds a good thing and obtains FAVOR from the Lord.  God even told me that He was going to bless my husband through me, because all HE needed was someone to surrender and say "Yes Lord!"  Y'all better hear what I'm saying!

God is God!  He can bless whatever He wants to!  He can change whatever He wants to!  He can HEAL whatever HE wants to!!! It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing!  And all I can do is tell Him constantly how amazing HE is!  By the end of the month, the ABSTINENCE revolution should be ready for take over! YEAH BUDDY!!!! Oh HE is faithful!  The devil is the only one mad!

I've got to get up early but I've been wanting to hit this blog up for the last week!  But until next time

Psalm 119:9

Monday, August 1, 2011

"Just One of Those Days"

Today's an off day...for some reason or another I'm having some bad feelings and vibes here and there but the devil be damned!

Saturday night, I had a prayer session that was off the chain.  God told me that He was getting ready to release all the blessings that were being held because of my disobedience.  He said, "I've just been looking for a way in."

God then confirmed His word to me during service, and Pastor preached on how our disobedience can block our blessings.  I received such a powerful Word, bascially confirmation for everything that God had just spoken Himself to me not even 24 hours later.  Needless to say, I was on a spiritual high.

Today though, I have doubts; I have worries, I want to cry.  Funny because the prophetic word yesterday said that God was restoring my joy!  Isn't that something how the devil works?  I can't even tell you what is really bothering me but I know one thing for certain!!!  I WILL PRAISE and thank GOD for all that HE is doing behind the scenes!  The devil won't steal my praise!  And in my praise, I just receive more blessings.  God says He "INHABITS" the praises of His people...think on that.  If you're praising, and God manifests His glory, think not that while you're praising SOMETHING is going on in the supernatural!  God is fixing something, releasing something, DOING SOMETHING!  God never manifests His presence, steps on the scene, without leaving also a manifestation of His glory! HALLELUJAH!!!

I'll say as the woman said on the way to see the priest about her dead child, IT IS WELL! SELAH!

The promise of God I'm standing on now is that God said He was restoring my family.  He said he promised me a husband, not a boyfriend.  No demon in hell will stop the plans of God for my family.  This emotional slump shall pass!

Trust in His Word...
Psalm 119:9

Saturday, July 30, 2011



I am totally screaming on the inside!!!!

I am much more calm than I was a few hours ago because I began on some homework and it took my mind off of my reality.  I have the most wonderful news to tell, but I can't even share it really with you guys yet.  I don't even know who to tell FIRST!  I am most amazed because it is truly a promise of God that is being fulfilled. 

For the last few days I have been praying in the Spirit, confessing my promises, and waring with the devil letting him know I was NOT giving up on what God has promised me.  I'm so taken back all I can really do is laugh and praise God.  God said if you decree a thing it shall be established, HIS Word will NOT return to Him void but it will accomplish but HE sent it to do!  God told me how to pray concerning this issue and I'll be doggone if His Word hasn't come to pass!

When I stopped trying to do God's work for Him and simply started seeking only to just please HIM, HE showed up AND showed out!!! He is REALLY something else!  We have to remain steadfast and faithful.  I know what it feels like to just say, "God you're not faithful."  I was there like just two months ago.  I told God I would stop tithing and just do whatever I wanted to do.  But something in me, just wouldn't let go.  I mean, I just knew deep in the inside of me if I let go of God I had nothing else to hold on to.  BUT GOD!!!!!  I believe that all these things are lining up because now I am about my "Father's business" and willing to give up even the love of my life if need be. 

See, God doesn't necessarily want to take those things away from you!  He wants you to have the best but the best can't be first.  And as good as this man is, my heart still had to honor God FIRST!  His heart has to be first to you.  You show Him who's first in your life by your actions.  My youth pastor once told me, "Don't put God in a position to show you He's God."  When I got to the place where God was first, then He lined up those desires of my heart.  OMG I'm just so excited!!!  It's like He's just blessing my socks off!  I definitely will have a reason to shout in the morning, not like I needed one but I have more than one now!  I can't wait to share it with you all! 

GOD IS TRULY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Psalm 119:9



Well, I'll be the first to admit that I have "blamed it on the alcohol" several times after doing stuff I shouldn't have done.  If you've ever been intoxicated, you know that you have a little more "courage" to do things you wouldn't necessarily do while you were sober.  While I won't go into the "scientic specifics" of it, I will say that until the other night I did think that this was a pretty good excuse, although we are warned about getting drunk; and this is more than likely why.

Well, I'm a fan of occasional drinking, I'll admit that too.  But everyone knows (that's every been intoxicated) that one of the things more likely to happen under the influence is that desire to have sex.  I remember with my second child, this was my excuse (you'll see why I say excuse in a minute) because I'd had several beers that night; up until that point the guy and I had never shared any type of intimacy besides a few kisses.  So, of course when I gave in to the temptations of sex after being a little "buzzed" I blamed it on that. 

WEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL...God has officially proven Himself faithful to the point where I can't even use this as an excuse.  The other night, I decided to try a new drink and watch some comedies.  All along though, I was kind of praying (drunk & praying, smh, I know) as I felt my alcohol slip up on me.  See, the thing about me is that I like "girly" drinks; drinks that don't taste just like the alcohol, but that you can just drink like it's a juice or something.  The downfall is that because it doesn't taste like alcohol, I drink it more quickly and then all of a sudden I'm a little..."happy."  :)

This is what happened the other night; I began drinking and then started to feel my flesh rise.  I began to talk to God in my head even more because I knew I wouldn't be able to fight it if I kept drinking.  So the first thing I did was stopped drinking; I realized I'd had enough.  Or maybe it was the Holy Spirit's guiding but anyway, I put the cup down.  The I reminded God of His promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13 where He says that when we are tempted He will provide us a way out of that temptation.  At first I thought, "Donna you're crazy."  But then I just kept praying; I told God that even though I was drinking I didn't want to fall back on my commitment to Him- I didn't want to use being drunk as an excuse to have sex when I knew I shouldn't.  My journey has reached it's 2 month mark and I'm too far to slip up now. 

All I could remember was this one scripture, and I just kept praying that one scripture.  By the time I got ready for bed, the desire had really left to have sex.  I laid in bed and when asked, "Why not?"  The response was, "I made a commitment."   Those were the last words I remember, next thing I know, I'm waking up!  All I could say was, "Thank you, Lord."   Even in my drunken state, He heard me and He helped me escape.  I think that this is quite the testimony for someone who has blamed sexual sin on alcohol for years now.  Especially if I really wanted to do something, I'd just get drunk and use that as my safe haven.

So, now I know that from this day forth, "I was drunk" will not suffice.  God will keep you pure if you want to be kept.  I was worried that by co-habiting I would fall so much quicker, so all I can say is "BUT GOD!"  He knows my desires; He knows I want to be faithful to Him.   And honestly, I have much more peace within myself since I have stopped having sex.  I've had more boldness as well.  I'm not in ANY WAY condoning co-habition.  The situation that I'm in will NOT be for long;  trust me, I'm working on a way out.  In the mean time though, I can't use the excuse that I live with a man an excuse to have sex, because it's not.

God is showing out in my life and I'm grateful.  Do I expect you to believe that I live with someone and don't have sex with them?  Do I expect you to believe that I actually drink and am able to still not fall into sexual sin?  Well, I'll leave this with you:  It's not me, it's the God in me.  ME, would gladly have myself a good time, but the God in me convicted me far too much to continue to live that lifestyle of sexual sin.  It's easier to say I''m a lie than to believe that the power of God can keep you pure if you want it to.  Well, I want it to.  God judges your heart and He moves upon that.  I am believing that eventually we will either re-marry or God will remove me from the situation in due time, because I don't believe it is the will of God for us.  I hope and pray that as you read this you will believe and say, "If God is doing that for her, He can do it for me."  If you're reading in doubt; that's ok too.  I pray the the spirit of wisdom and revelation will come upon you in the knowledge of Him in this area. 

This blog is me, an open book of my feelings and my journey of abstinence.  My only prayer and goal is to be an example to a generation that doesn't believe in purity and the sanctity of marriage anymore.  To some of you- my life will be the only Bible that you read.  I just want to be a living epistle that you read and say, "I can remain pure."  NO EXCUSES!

Psalm 119:9

Thursday, July 28, 2011


THINGS ARE REALLY, REALLY LINING UP!!! I am going full speed with these ideas and stepping out on faith and asking people to volunteer and be apart of this revolution! And people are agreeing!!!  Things are lining up!  This isn't just for me and I'm seeing it more and more.

I have to admit, the devil tried to come in my mind a little yesterday; I began to doubt myself and really wonder if what I was doing was flesh led or what.  Good thing I went to service last night!  Pastor spoke on prayer and how important it is in winning this battle.

And what other way will I be able to abstain from sex except through praying and trusting in the grace of God.  Don't think it's just something so easy for me to throw away now!  But I realize that there is a much bigger plan in this.  Although it's something I would have never thought of on my own, God told me that He has heard the cry of many people from this city who are ready to change.  So I know I'm not alone!

God judges your heart and that's what He deals with.  He is turning the hearts of this city to purity.  He is calling us to purity!  I'm so excited that there's a bigger plan!!!  And I know that with prayer and maybe fasting and just going full fledged into the enemy's camp that deliverance will come to this city.  I know what it's like to be spiritual bound to people that you're having sex with; it's a consequence of sexual sin. 

I was ashamed at one point to tell people that I couldn't own a store promoting sexual stuff yet tell them to abstain at the same time.  It's kind of like me selling cigarettes to people and warning them of lung cancer.  I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm realizing more and more, I either have to be black or white.  Either I'll compromise with the world, or stand with the Word.  As my boyfriend told me, "You stand for something Donna or you'll fall for anything!"

Well, I'm standing and I believe that because of the obedience God will line things up.  Matter of fact:
This is a testimony I can share.  I have a job already lined up soon!  Out of nowhere, the employer just "happened" to see my application from a previous year.  I spoke with him today and he stated he'd reserve teh position just for me.  When I'm ready, it's mine!

I call that favor!! Watch out now!!! God is up to something!!!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Well, I decided to do this journal because I actually suggested it during writing my book.  Then I realized, maybe it'll help me too.  I commited to this lifestyle May 29, 2011 after running from it for five months.  You know how it is; you do something you really know is wrong but you keep doing it.  Then sooner or later, it really doesn't bother you anymore.  Well, except it did for me.

The reason for the blog though is to share with others that make the same decision I made.  I believe that God is calling many people to purity in this season and I know that it's not just me.  Many times we need an outlet when we're going through something.  My journey is fresh and new; although I know that my mind is made up it still gets hard for me to believe the struggle I'm fighting.

Today, for a split second, I thought that maybe I was wrong and should just give up.  But then I became mad at the fact that I know I shouldn't have to sleep with anyone who claims they love me just for them to stay with me.  That's not love; not the kind of love I want anyway. 

So anyway, this is my journey...and this is my journal through it!